How do you store your brooms?

Posted on: 24 June 2021

Keeping your property clean is important. Not only do you want to be sure that any visitors to your home or business can benefit from a clean and pleasant environment, but a well-maintained safe environment is also essential for your enjoyment of your home. To keep your home and surroundings in great shape, you must have the right equipment. There will be mops and buckets for cleaning the kitchen, trowels and rakes to take care of the garden, and no doubt, an assortment of brooms.
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Everything You Need to Know When Waterproofing Your Structure

Posted on: 30 November 2020

Water is essential for making the right concrete mixtures when you start a construction project. However, the dynamics change when the structure starts to cure and becomes ready for use and occupation. You need to keep water away from penetrating the cured building materials to prevent damage. Water enters the heart of the structure by seeping through walls, lintels, cladding, beams and sills. It can also find its way by capillary rise via the foundation, columns, wall-floor joints and external walls.
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Principal Ways That Wet Hiring Earthmoving Equipment Benefits Your Industrial Business

Posted on: 30 November 2020

A misassumption that some business owners have is that as long as they do not own earthmoving equipment outright, then the legitimacy of their operations will come into question. However, this is untrue. Earthmoving equipment is not only expensive, but it requires specialised handling too. And if you have recently ventured into this line of work, you may not have the resources nor the manpower for this responsibility. A better solution for your business would be investing in the plant hire instead.
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Three Things To Consider Before Buying Or Renting A Scissor Lift

Posted on: 29 October 2019

Scissor lifts are an important part of many industries, from event preparation to construction and demolition. If you are looking to rent or buy your first ever scissor lift, then there are a few things you need to watch out for. While scissor lifts might appear as if they are all the same, there are several important differences that you should be aware of. Once you have a basic understanding of scissor lifts it will be easier to suss out which one is right for your needs going forward.
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