How Best to Manage Your Trade Waste

Posted on: 13 June 2023


Trade waste is a big issue in the commercial sector. As businesses, you produce waste that needs to be disposed of in a responsible way. But do you know how to do it? Proper waste management is not just about environmental responsibility, but it's also about cost efficiency. It can also save you a lot of money, energy and resources. So, how do you manage your trade waste properly and efficiently?

Reduce the Waste at Source

The best way to manage waste is to reduce it at the source. Do an audit of your business activities and assess where waste is coming from. Think of ways to reduce the amount of waste you generate. For instance, avoid excess packaging, reuse items as much as possible and try to repair instead of replacing. It may seem like small steps, but they can have a huge impact on your overall waste output.

Segregate Waste

Waste segregation means separating different types of waste based on their composition. Segregation makes it easier for recyclers to process waste and reduce contamination. By sorting your waste, you can help prevent waste from going to landfill and reduce your waste collection fees. Label your waste bins clearly and train your staff on the right way to dispose of waste.


Recycling is the next best thing you can do after waste reduction. Recycling can save resources and energy and can also generate income. Look for a local recycling service that can take your recyclable materials. It's also important to know what materials can be recycled and how they should be separated. Contact your local council to find out more about recycling in your area.

Hire a Reputable Company

If you're dealing with large volumes of waste, it's a good idea to hire a professional waste management company. A good company will provide efficient and cost-effective waste solutions. They can help you with waste assessment, collection and disposal. Remember to choose a licensed company that complies with environmental regulations.

Monitor and Review

Waste management is not a one-off task. It requires regular monitoring and review. Keep track of your waste output, your waste management plan, and associated cost. Evaluate whether you have achieved your waste reduction and recycling goals and look for new ways to improve your waste management practices.

The Takeaway

Managing trade waste can be challenging, but it's essential for the environment and your bottom line. Remember, good waste management is not just about compliance, it's about doing your part for a cleaner and greener future. So, if you need help creating a trade waste system, reach out to contractors who specialise in this area. 

For more info about trade waste systems, contact a local company.